Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Self Reflections

What do I want to convey? What is the reason why I started this languages sound art?

Do I have to use a specific language to provoke an emotion or rather attempt to answer a question I have toward "language" itself? IE, since French is a language of romance, does that mean I have to provoke a sweet loving emotion? or use German to convey anger or violent emotion?

I don't know by provoking different specific emotions using different unique languages is what I really want to achieve, because there's already a stereotype impression of languages among the public. And it serves no meanings even if I get it translated and let alone two translations.

I'm looking for a common quality of different languages that will get converged by the literal/google and target/polished translations. One feedback I received from last quarter's final critique is that my contents doesn't match the echoing feeling and suggested that I should find a more relevant text, whether it's another poem or dialogues, and try composing the three sound materials in different order.

Ultimately I want to achieve a mundane feeling of brainwashing through a series of sound transformation from native source to target text.


  1. You want the audience to have a mundane experience? Or, you want the audience to feel like they are being brainwashed (Which strikes me as a more alarming experience)?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I guess mundane is a bad word for it. (Sorry for my lack of English vocabulary). I obviously don't want to the audience to be bored, but listening with great interest in the beginning to slowly listening without thinking. (Hella vague!!!) Make the native source and target translation become indistinguishable at the end for listeners. I guess that's why I'm inclined to try this new approach using proverb which is interchangeable and inter-relate-able between all languages.
